Hello Friends, This is our personal website. Through which you can get information about new and old schemes released by the government and new government jobs, you can easily read the information given through this website and get the information. After this, you must book through the website issued by the concerned department, in which you have been given all the information. The new recruitment notifications issued by the government will be explained more simply.
Friends, My name is P j and I am a resident of Rajasthan. And after collecting the information about all the new recruitments of the state and center being done by the government, I give it to you through our website https://adhisuchanaportal.com/ and keep the information about all the schemes and recruitment done by the government, for which I give you these government information. Recruitment information in Hindi.
Let me tell you in simple words, I have started this website for this very purpose. So that you can easily get information about government recruitments.